Submit a repository

First of all, great that you're considering to contribute. All contributions are highly appreciated!

If you just want to send us a general question or remark, feel free to contact us by email.

With this form you can submit a new repository to be added to the collection or provide updates for an existing entry. Before you submit, please note that the teaching aim of the material should be a general topic in bioinformatics, not tool usage – meaning that inclusion of tutorials on using single software is discouraged. The reason for this is to ensure provides an overview of metadata on training materials, and not on metadata related to software.

* or repository url
The first topic will be used as the main topic for exports.

Get acknowledged with APICURON

APICURON collects your contributions from and adds these to your ORCiD profile, but also generates statistics, achievements and leaderboards.

See APICURON leaderboard.

Your name and email will only be used to keep you informed about these submit process.
By submitting a repository, you hereby acknowledge and confirm that you have read the Glittr Terms of Use and that you agree to comply with them.